Postponement of League matches due to Closure of all sports facilities for 14 days (Issued on 7/1/22)


Due to the closure of all sports premises in Hong Kong by the Government, all lawn bowls activities were suspended for two weeks.

188 league matches were affected. The League Panel made the following recommendations:



A) All games scheduled to play on 8 Jan will postpone to 12 Mar 2022, Games of 9 Jan will postpone to 13 Mar.

B) Games of 15 Jan will postpone to 19 Mar, and games of 16 Jan will postpone to 20 Mar.

C) All venues and the starting time of the above matches remain unchanged

D) Games reference number will remain unchanged

E) 19 Mar 2022 will be the final league match date. Any rescheduled games (except the above mentioned in B) must be finished before 19 Mar.


Hope the pandemic situation will be under control and no further changes are required.