Asian Bowls Championship 2024 (Issued on 22/3/24)

Asian Bowls Championship 2024 (Issued on 22/3/24)

5 silver and 4 bronze for Hong Kong China Team at Asian Championships   The Hong Kong China lawn bowls team completed their journey at the Asia Championships and Asian U25 Championships in Pattaya, Thailand with five silver medals and 4 bronze medals.   The silver medals are from the men’s singles and triples, women’s...

Event Calendar

National Events Calendar 2024 – 2025 (Updated on 3rd January, 2024) Event Entries Open Date Time & Venue 1 Indoor Singles Championship December 2023 From January 2024 Semi-Finals & Finals on 27th July 2024 (Saturday) -(TBC) 2 Mixed Pairs Competition December 2023 From 30th January 2024 (Every Tuesday)   Evening 3 Weekday Fours Competition December...

The Bowls Grand Prix 2023

The Bowls Grand Prix 2023

Top ranked premier league teams and LBA teams will converge for 4 consecutive days of play in the Easter holidays to compete for the overall grand prize. The Bowls Grand Prix 2023 will be held from 29th March, 2024 to 1st April, 2024 at CCC, CdeR, HKFC, KCC and PSRC.

佳木體育 Shortwoods88 offers(Issued On 22/5/21)

佳木體育 Shortwoods88 provide the following offers to all club.   現提供球會購物優惠:   Product List 陳小姐 96228399 (體育用品部)  胡小姐91927487 (獎品部) fax: 26508915 請各友好客戶注意: 本公司已正式搬至屯門恆威工業中心B1座19樓03室