Bowls Stickers – HK Classic 2013 (Issued on 9/10/13)

Bowls Stickers – HK Classic 2013 (Issued on 9/10/13)

Please be informed that all the participating players/teams should prepare their own bowls stickers for the Classic. HKLBA will have limited stock of bowls stickers for purchase at HK$20/set. Sponsored team players will be provided one complimentary set each for free.

Should your players/teams need stickers, please feel free to complete the form as attached and return to us by e-mail ( or by fax (25775621) on or before 21 October 2013 (Monday).





Players can collect and settle the payment at the Players Briefing Meeting at Kowloon Cricket Club (KCC). Details are as follows:




– Briefing Meeting for Local Players: 7pm, 5 November 2013


– Briefing Meeting for Overseas Players: 12nn, 8 November 2013




Please assign one representative to collect the stickers. All payment must be settled by cash.




Kindly pass on the attached form to your Classic Singles & Pairs Players for their completion. Thank you for your kind attention!

Form – Doc. format