Case Interrupted matches which commenced with a complete team of four but resumed with only three players (Updated comments with TMSA on 13/06/2014)

Case Interrupted matches which commenced with a complete team of four but resumed with only three players (Updated comments with TMSA on 13/06/2014)

Message from SBSC Queenie Lai

A Women rescheduled game played at WS on Jun 1. The weather was extremely hot and met approximately 34 degrees. One lady, act as Lead, felt uncomfortable, stopped playing and took a rest after the 9th end.On the basis of illness, that rink was made up of three players only. Accordingly to the bye-law, that rink will result with 25% scores deducted and the numbers 1 and 2 will bowl three bowls each.


If the players cannot use a Set of Bowls as defined in the Laws of the Sport of Bowls then one bowl may not be from the same set.


However, the numbers 1 and 2 was not allowed to borrow any bowls from the public counter by the opponent team.

Would Claudius clarify the above case?

Answer to the question :

I am afraid that your opponent is wrong. The HKLBA Byelaws 3.5.c allows a bowler to use one bowl from a different set under your situation.
On the other hand, I don’t understand how and why your opponent not allowing you to borrow bowls from the venue because this is a public green. To me that’s poor sportsmanship.
Another point I would like to clarify is that the 25% deduction only applies to those ends that the player did not participated in, and is not for the whole game.
Hope everyone learns from this experience.
Vice-President (Technical)

<<TMSA Response on the Case of Interrupted Match with 1 player withdrawn during Play>>


In view of the present 4rink arrangement at Wu Shan Bowling Green and that 2 of the 4 rinks are used by LCSD training classes on most Sunday afternoons, only 2 other rinks are left available. We deeply regret that we could not offer any Sunday afternoon sessions to our opponent teams for re-scheduled league games at WS.

If the 6-rink arrangement was adopted, then we could have more options to accommodate rescheduled games. We hope HKLBA could urge LCSD to consider arranging 6 rinks at Wu Shan the sooner the better.
For the re-scheduled game W0323 for TMSA-A vs SBSC-B, we had offered the following three options, namely:
1.  18/5/2014 (Sunday)  11 am    2.  1/6/2014 (Sunday)  11 am   3.  1/6/2014 (Sunday)  7 pm
The second option was the choice made by Ms. Jessie So, SBSC.
On 1-6-2014 Sunday, the game was played as rescheduled.



Here are the remarks written by our Third, Ms Estella Luk playing on the same rink:

我記得當時對方有提過換晒另外三隻波(可能是基於“same set of bowls”, 而我哋又向她們提過球例內的不能換波” rule

其實當時,我們feel puzzled of the 2 rules: “same set of bowls” & “開賽中不可換波的相對矛盾性。我们並不知道有相關的特殊情况球例。相信對方亦不知道,否則她們會反對和堅持换波或尋求資深球員和總會即時處理。


當時,本人被邀前往了解, 賽事已到第10局。 屈太(張惠玲女士)已發出目標球, 她在地蓆旁, 我問她有自己木球否, 她說只有兩個。 我建議她:『去借波啦』, 屈太:『我用Linda 波唔得咩』。我回答:『得,呢個係你自己的選擇』。張女士欣然地上蓆發出滾球。

I have two suggestions for HKLBA to consider in handling this “enquiry”:

  1. 1. For enquiry purposes or as a case study, is it necessary for HKLBA to mention the exact date /time/ venue… and other details which might not be of significance?
    To me, that
    enquiry sounds like an accusation against TMSA rather than an enquiry while we have no opportunity to clarify it before your publication.
  2. 2. For this simple case, we can simply consult the Rule book and have the straight answers. HKLBA should remind our convenors and players that they could consult the relevant documents before resume the games in case of disputes. By the way, HKLBA should send Ms. Lai a copy of Rule book, and this may reduce the workload of Mr. Claudius Lam.


Mr. Claudius Lam, attached is the image of the relevant score card. The total scores of SBSC-B from 10th to 18th ends were originally 6 shots. After reduction of 25% in view of the absence of 1 player during those ends, the scores were adjusted to 4.5 shots. Is this correct?

Scorecard of W0323

Sunny Chan

Secretary of TMSA

We have investigated the League Game W0323 incident & give feedback to HKLBA as in the website.
Other than the investigation, we had finished an evaluation .
Our learning of this issue is concluded in the attached file.

Evaluation from TMSA

Leo Li

TMSA Convenor