Below are the official download links of the National Anthem of the People’s Republic of China and the Regional Flag of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region: National Anthem: (National Anthem) (國歌) Regional Flag:
Private Clubs Venue
Cub Address Indoor / Outdoor Green Surface Artificial / Natural grass Size : (W) x (L) Number of rinks : Normal width of rinks: Photo CCC 188 Wong Nai Chung Road, Happy Valley, H.K. Outdoor A Natural 37.4M x 36.4M 6 4.88M B Natural 36.1M x 36.1M 6 4.88M Indoor Artificial 36.4M x 20.35M 3...
Lawn Bowls
Like many games, the objective of Lawn Bowls is simple – to get one or more bowls closer to the jack than those of the opposition. It can be played by almost anyone, but to play consistently well demands determination, concentration and practice. The game of Bowls is played on a 31 to 40M square...