We offer training courses to those aged 8 years or above at beginners, intermediate and advanced levels. The courses are specifically for youth, adults, family and free-grouping participants. Classes are conducted in Cantonese only. Entry Form (TP77) – ( Pdf. format ) Details of private grouping course ( Chinese version only ) Entry Form for private grouping...
Lawn Bowls Training Courses
Every year the Leisure & Cultural Services Department will provide funding to the Lawn Bowls Association of Hong Kong, China to organise lawn bowl training courses for the public.
In 2010, 110 courses were organised under this arrangement and more courses are organized by the district offices under LCSD.
The various types of course include elementary, medium, advanced, youth and family classes. They are all conducted by qualified coaches under the Association and held at various public venues.
A normal class consists of eight students and last for eight lessons, either on a weekly or twice-a-week basis.
Interest parties may either enroll to a specific course on their own, or group together with other players to form their own training course.