Hong Kong International Bowls Classic 2015 List of Women Overseas & Local Pairs Players (as at 8 October, 2015) 香港國際草地滾球精英賽2015 女子雙人賽球員名單 Australia 澳洲 Kristina Krstic 姬絲特 CdeR 西洋波會 Angela Chau 仇秀鈴 Karen Murphy 梅 菲 Candy Ng 吳鳳娟 Brunei 汶萊 Rosita Hj Kamis 嘉飛絲 HKFC 香港足球會 Shirley Ma 馬淑如 Belle Chuchu 茱 茱 Wanis Sze...
Accommodation and venue
Hong Kong International Bowls Classic 2015 Official Hotel Prudential Hotel Tel. no. (852) 2311 8222Fax no. (852) 2311 4760Website : http://www.prudentialhotel.com E-mail to : info@prudentialhotel.com Address : 222 Nathan Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong Venues for Event : Kowloon Bowling Green Club (KBGC) 九龍草地滾球會 Tel. no. (852) 2368 7733 Fax no. (852)...