On several occasions, LCSD may be unable to provide the green even after confirming the booking. In such cases, we will adhere to the following policy. a) LBA will collaborate with the venue to reschedule the game in an available slot. b) If any club is unable to play, they should follow the standard rescheduling...
Suspension of game when booking time reaches
The league panel received an enquiry of an incident. During a league match, an end has played 12 bowls but was suspended due to heavy rain. After waiting for 25 minutes, the booking time was reached and the end did not continue. The league panel ruling is: Both sides should be aware of the...
Bowling tea arrangement for Premier League 2024
The Premier League 2024 will start in April 2024. The League panel recommended keeping the status quo on the F&B arrangement. That is, the home side will serve only drinks. Clubs can provide food at their discretion.
League practice and policy (Updated on 23/2/24)
In addition to Law of Sport of Bowls and LBA bye-law, League panel follows a series of practice and policies to manage the league competitions. These practice and policies are summarized below for bowlers easy reference. Ref Subject Details 1 Entry fee Premier League (3 teams) – 4000 per side Triples league (3 teams) –...
Enquiry on how to fill up SBI places by other teams (Issued on 11/3/24)
We received an enquiry on “how to disqualify the SBI teams results for the previous Leagues and fill up the SBI’s places by other teams.” Below is a clarification from the VP League: All the SBI results were expunged in the previous league. Please refer to the Triples League 2023 Men Div11, Men...