We received an enquiry about bye-law 3.9 and 4.9 transfer of player “A player who has played in a completed match or more in any sides entered by one Club in any one season is not allowed to play in a side entered by another Club unless prior approval of the National League Panel...
Triples League format (issued on 2/12/2016)
We received an inquiry about the format of The Triples League. Clarification from VP League With effect from 2014, the format of Triples League is 16 ends per match and three woods per player.
Refuse to play 3 woods when short of player (Issued on 24/10/16)
In a league game, a team is short of one player when start time arrives. According to Law of Sport of Bowls, they can start the game with first two players playing three woods each and the skip play two woods, The winning score is deducted by 25%.(Law of Sport of Bowls 39.2.2.) The...
Tied players
In the Council meeting of 25 July, the Council of Management approved the change of bye-law 3.7.a and 4.7.a.
Extend postponed games arrangement (issued on 11/06/16)
In view of the inclement weather in past three weeks, the League Panel suggested to extend the period for postponed games. All postponed league matches of the first half season can be played before 1 Aug 2016 (Monday).