In view of the inclement weather in past three weeks, the League Panel suggested to extend the period for postponed games. All postponed league matches of the first half season can be played before 1 Aug 2016 (Monday).
Report which player in league result capture
We received an enquiry about which player should be captured in a resume game. “If 2 ends had been played before a game was discontinued, and a substitute player has played 16 ends, which player, the original one or the substitute one, should be reported ?” Clarification from VP League 1. Capture the player who played most...
Registered/Tied players are not allowed to play in any other side in same division (Issued on 26/4/16)
The Council of Management meeting on 25 Apr 2016 agreed to introduce new clauses that Registered players or Tied players are NOT allowed to play in any other side in same division with effect from Premier League 2016. Attached for your reference is the proposed document on bye-law changes. (Pdf file)
Incomplete league match after 4 hours in public green (Issued on 14/3/16)
With effect from Premier League 2016, if a league match in public green cannot finish within four hours, the match will stop immediately (even it is in the middle of an end) and postpone.
Neutral green in league matches (Issued on 8/12/15)
We received a request to elaborate the definition of neutral green for clubs having both outdoor and indoor greens in league matches.