The Council of Management has approved three changes to the arrangement of league games, with effective from the forthcoming Triples League 2013.
Penalty on improper substitutes (approved on 23/9/13)
The Council of Management approved the changes on the empowerment of League Panel and defined the penalty on improper use of substitutes. The new bye-law was effective from 23 Sep 2013 onwards.
Conflict between League and National game fixture (approved on 23/9/13)
The Council of Management approved the bye-law on 23 Sep 2013 with immediate effective. The change clarified that all pre-announced semi-finals and finals will not be rescheduled even it is in conflict with league games. If both sides choose to play league on that day, players have to make the choice.
Postponement of league games on 22/9/2013 afternoon
According to Hong Kong Observatory notice, Severe Typhoon Usagi will be reaching Hong Kong this afternoon. Due to the inclement weather forecast, all afternoon league games to be held on 22 Sep (Sunday) would be postponed and re-arranged.
Draw on a postponed game (Issued on 15/08/13)
The Council of Management approved that both sides may change their players and the draw for rinks shall be done again in postponed games. The new bye-law was effective from 12 Aug 2013 immediately.