The Triples League 2023 will start in Dec 2023. The League panel recommended keeping the status quo on the F&B arrangement. That is only drinks will be served by the home side.
SBI matches will change to Tai Po effective from Sep 2023 (Issued on 31/8/23)
SBI Green at Mei Foo will be closed from 1 Sep 2023. The League panel approved that all the games being arranged in SBI will be changed to Tai Po.
Relax of 22 days rule for league reschedule games (Issued on 2/9/23)
Many games need to be rescheduled due to typhoon Saola or green conditions. Considering the green availability situations, the League Panel recommended relaxing the constraint of playing the games within 22 days. All rescheduled games can be rescheduled over 22 days and must be completed one week before the fixture date of the final matches....
Clarification if the skip arrives late in a resumed game (Issued on 6/7/23)
We received inquiries about different scenarios of a skip being late in a resumed game Below is the clarification from VP League.
KTSI Premier League 2023 (Issued on 15/3/23)
Below are the fixture of KTSI Premier League 2023. (Men Fixture) (Women Fixture)