This is a friendly reminder for the last round of KTSI Premier League 2022 will start at 3pm sharp for all venues, except those approved rescheduled games. – Women Div 1-5 will be on 29 October, 2022, and – Men Div 1-9 will be on 5 November, 2022, and – Men Div 10 will...
Change bye-law 2.17.a to cover the late submission of public venue booking (Issued on 11/5/23)
The CoM approved the change of bye-law 2.17.a on 8 May, and the change took effect immediately which include penalties for late submissions to LCSD. 2.17.a The home side should ensure the availability of greens as per the fixture schedule. If the home side fails to book the green, including failure to meet LCSD’s requirement...
Directive on communication during league matches (Issued on 24/6/22)
From time to time the HKLBA office receives complaints regarding the communications of spectators and players, and players between teams. Below is a directive guideline which I hope it will reduce unnecessary misunderstandings.
Clarification on improper player during league matches (Issued on 7/7/22)
We have received inquiries about the penalty for the violation of the rules of registered/tied players.
Updates on Premier League 2022 (Issued on 13/4/22)
Assuming that all greens will be open after 21 April, the Premier League 2022 will start on 23 April. The website has been updated. Please check and advise HKLBA if you spot any errors.