Due to latest development of COVID-19, the National League Captain’s Briefing will not be organized this year. In order to introduce the HKLBA League operations to the new captains, below please find the video link for your information. Video
Premier League 2020 postponement (Issued on 6/5/20)
Further to my email of 17 Apr that the opening of league game will highly depend on when LCSD re-opens and accepts block booking for league games. As of today, LCSD has no indication when it will accept the block booking for league games. The premier league will continue to postpone until further notice.
Cancellation of Triples League 2019 (Issued on 20/2/20)
Consequent to LCSD announcement that public venues would be closed up to 2 March, we can only resume the Triples League at the earliest on 7 March, 2020. It is therefore impossible for us to catch up with the schedule.
Triples league arrangement (Issued on 29/1/2020)
Triples league arrangement
Arrangement of players with more than 1 side in same division (Issued on 20/1/20)
The Council of Management on 13 Jan 2020 approved the changes on bye-law 2.11.