For the improper use of players during a league game, such as registered or tied players playing down, improper substitutes, and bowlers playing multiple games in same fixture date, the current bye-laws only apply point deduction on the defaulting team and keep the shots scored. On 2 December, the Council of Management approved the shot...
Triples League 2019 Format (Issued on 20/11/19)
We received an enquiry about the format of upcoming Triples League. Below is a summary of the format.
League panel recommendations (Issued on 9/10/19)
In view of the public events and traffic conditions, the League Panel has the following recommendations; 1. To waive the penalty on those “failure to arrive” cases which happened between 1-7 October. However, the defaulting side has to compensate the green fee to the home side. 2. Since we are close to end of season...
Reschedule request of League games due to public events (Issued on 20/9/19)
We have received enquiries about the reschedule of league games due to public events. The league panel have the following directions:
Triples League 2019 Open for entry (Issued on 20/9/19)
The Triples League 2019 is now open for entry. Entry deadline is 21-Oct-2019 (Monday).