SLY was seriously damaged under typhoon. The green was urgently close for maintenance until 26/9. The maintenance progress will be reviewed on 26/9, most likely the last 3 rinks (No.10-12) require more time to fix. Also the electric equipment was damaged, no night games in SLY until further notice. In view of the above situation,...
Triples League 2018 Open for entry (Issued on 7/9/18)
The Triples League 2018 is now open for entry. Entry deadline is 15-Oct-2018 (Monday).
Not allow to play more than one side in same division (issued on 27/04/18)
In the Council of Management meeting being held on 23 April 2018, the Council approved the addition of a new bye-law 2.11.b Once a bowler plays in a match, he is not allowed to play for any other side in the same division.
Clarification of auto allocation policy (issued on 17/04/18)
In response to an enquiry about the auto-allocation policy on league fixture, VP League clarified that 1. When a club submits their league entries, they can take the auto-allocation option. The option is valid by Club, but not by Sde. The choices of men and women can be different.
Clarification of tied players (updated on 8/1/18)
After the introduction of ‘tied players cannot play for any other side in the same division”, there were cases that some bowlers played 7A1B tied to B and cannot play for A anymore. On 4 Dec 2017, the Council of Management added a clause in bye-law. Since the website software cannot be amended on time,...