近兩埸聯賽都有不同球會在可否Double Skip 事宜上有不同的理解,令比賽其間產生不少誤會,總會可否就Double Skip 事宜上再加以解釋及限制,令大家不會再爭拗! 謝謝! KW Chung Captain of GBLBC ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 副會長(技術) – Claudius Lam回覆: 根據總會在2012年11月19日發出有關球員在比賽期間活動範圍的公告,在比賽中是容許Double Skip(雙重主球手)的,但有關球員在發出目標球之前應該已經到達球局,而不能在球局中途始決定進行Double Skip。 相關公佈之網頁:http://www.hklba.org/new/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=567;restricting-movement-of-players-during-play-issued-on-191112&catid=78;notice&Itemid=224&lang=zh 希望以上資料可釋除大家的疑問。 Claudius
Tiger Bowls 2013 China Tour (28/03/13)
Tiger Bowls World Invitation 2013 China Tour was held in Beijiashan Park, Shenzhen from 19 to 21 March 2013. Photo link is updated.
Chinese Lawn Bowling Coaching DVD (Issued on 9/1/13)
A Chinese lawn bowling coaching DVD – produced by a group of Chinese bowlers in Canada – is now available in Hong Kong. This video covers every aspect of the sport from basic knowledge to various skills and strategies. Clips of International Games by champion bowlers are also included to illustrate higher level of bowling....
Development of Bowling in China (29/12/12)
More than 40 participants joined the first China Lawn Bowls Training Class and Lawn Bowls Umpires Introduction Class in Shenzhen Beijiashan Park from 22-24 Dec 2012.
Enquiry on Laws of Sports of Bowls (Issued on 20/11/12)
Question from a bowler – Michael Tang: Am I correct to say that “the measurement of the 14 metres for a live bowl, the 20 metres and 23 metres for a live jack is referrred as the measured distance between the centre of the mat line and the NEAREST point of the bowl or...