Recently there was a case in the Triples League when one team needed to play with a player less. As the remaining players only carried two bowls, they wanted to use a house bowl to make up of the three bowls required. However this was rejected by his opponent and eventually they have to replace...
No of bowls tried in Trial End
HKLBA got a message from other bowlers recently that we can try more than 2 woods if the numbers of woods being used in game is more than 2 woods.
Query from Mike Worth, Hong Kong Football Club
A situation which arose on a league game last Saturday prompts me to ask how a decision is made on which bowl is a toucher.
提問及意見: 作為香港主要的草地滾球會, 過往亦進行了無數的推廣及開設訓練班; 球會有沒有隨着這運動的普及化及場地使用的飽和, 著力向康文署爭取在各區增建球場呢? Alice Yan
一年一度由香港教練培訓委員會及中華全國體育總會聯合主辦的賽馬會精英教練員硏討會,今屆共有六位草地滾球教練參與。這次主題為運動員選材,並獲北京體育大學協辦,於十月十五至十六日在大學內的國家訓練基地舉行,由來自內地、新加坡、日本及香港的專家主講,分享在運動員選材及發展、跨項目訓練及運動員轉項這幾個領域的經驗、世界趨勢以及國立體育組織扮演的角色。與會期間,教練們更獲安排參觀了國家隊藝術體操及彈床練習、中國運動與健康硏究院內多項先進設備及北京體育大學的各個場館,讓我們大開眼界。今年參與研討會的香港教練共五十多人,我們亦把握機會跟來自不同專項的教練交流心得。我們六位教練包括李國明(Derek)、馮文江(Pat)、郭志韜(Herbert)、郭德和(Walter),劉根雄(Terry)及謝煥齊(Herbert)。 Walter Kwok – 18/10/18