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    小妹在某场女子联賽遇到以下疑問 一般來說每局均由雙方三仔agree得失球,有時遇到三仔不方便度波,會由一、二仔幫助,但遇到三者都皆為新手,由skip來度又無可厚非, 想問skip就算不用度波,因為隊友係新手是否需要每局都要去看結果後確認得失球,此舉是否應先知會 對手skip Skip度完波應該同對方三仔定skip確認 請賜教 Mandy       副會長(技術)回覆 一般而言,量度及確認球局結果應由第三球手進行,假如第三球手因種種原因而未能進行量度,該隊應指派其他球員進行量度及確認,而此安排亦應預先通知對手。除非前列球員未能就球局達成協議,主球手不應在一局完成後前往量度或確認,因為此舉將嚴重拖慢比賽節奏。 作為球隊較具經驗的一位成員,主球手除了肩負領導及指導其隊員作賽外,亦負有培育新隊員的責任。信任及讓新球員獨立處理球局事宜是協助他們成長的重要一環,各位主球手無須執著於一球的勝負而打擊新球員的信心。

Side Coaching (Issued on 19/12/2016)

Side Coaching (Issued on 19/12/2016)

This is an enquiry received from a bowler Michael Tang – CLBC, December 19, 2016. In a League game, players give advice on play tactic or strategy to the players of the same team, but different rink. Is this against the rule of side coaching? Please advise. Michael Tang CLBC

Skip Stays at Head (Updated on 14/12/16)

Skip Stays at Head (Updated on 14/12/16)

This is an enquiry received from a bowler Percy Chan – STSA, December 13, 2016. While watching videos, the recent World Bowls Championships 2016, Pairs/Triples/Fours Finals, I have observed that, while all players (except the skips) have finished their bowls, the skip A, (the first permitted) walks down to the mat, whereas, the opposing skip...

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