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1st Chinese National Lawn Bowls Championship (Issued on 15/05/13)

Held in the YueXiu Park, Guangzhou City, China, from May 8 to 11, the 1st Chinese National Lawn Bowls Championship is open to China’s municipalities, provinces, special administration region, special economic zones and state-owned enterprises. A total of 15 teams joined the tournament, which was divided into men’s Pairs, women’s Pairs and a mixed Fours...

Enquiry about “Double Skip” from KW Chung (Issued on 14/05/13)
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Enquiry about “Double Skip” from KW Chung (Issued on 14/05/13)

  近兩埸聯賽都有不同球會在可否Double Skip 事宜上有不同的理解,令比賽其間產生不少誤會,總會可否就Double Skip 事宜上再加以解釋及限制,令大家不會再爭拗! 謝謝! KW Chung Captain of GBLBC ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 副會長(技術) – Claudius Lam回覆: 根據總會在2012年11月19日發出有關球員在比賽期間活動範圍的公告,在比賽中是容許Double Skip(雙重主球手)的,但有關球員在發出目標球之前應該已經到達球局,而不能在球局中途始決定進行Double Skip。 相關公佈之網頁:;restricting-movement-of-players-during-play-issued-on-191112&catid=78;notice&Itemid=224&lang=zh 希望以上資料可釋除大家的疑問。 Claudius

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