Notice-Election of Officers (Issued on 2/8/19)

Notice-Election of Officers (Issued on 2/8/19)

  NOTICE   2019/2020 ELECTION OF OFFICERS Applications are invited from affiliated club members who are interested in standing for election to the positions on the HKLBA Executive Committee. The positions are open to both genders and each detailed application must be submitted with a nomination from his/her Club Convenor. The positions are: 1. President...

Notice-Election of Officers

Notice-Election of Officers

  NOTICE   2017/2018 ELECTION OF OFFICERS Applications are invited from affiliated club members who are interested in standing for election to the positions on the HKLBA Executive Committee. The positions are open to both genders and each detailed application must be submitted with a nomination from his/her Club Convenor.  The positions are: 1.    President...

賽馬會教練培訓社區推廣計劃 2017年8月20日 (星期日)

賽馬會教練培訓社區推廣計劃 2017年8月20日 (星期日)

賽馬會教練培訓社區推廣計劃是一項教育課程,此計劃旨為透過講座提高公眾對運動教練的認識、讓公眾瞭解現行香港教練培訓制度及進修途徑。 每次講座均會邀請香港教練與各位分享其教練經驗,歡迎公眾人士踴躍參與。在活動的最後部份,參加者將有機會參觀香港體育學院的運動設施 (各運動設施在平日均不會對外開放)。

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