We were informed by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department that the indoor lawn bowls green at Yuen Chau Kok Sports Center (35 Ngan Shing Street, Shatin) will start operation from December 12, 2016. Booking will be opened on December 3.
Newly Elected Executive Officers of HKLBA 2016/2017
The Hong Kong Lawn Bowls Association (“HKLBA”) is pleased to announce that the following executive officers were elected at the annual general meeting held on 12 September 2016 and will serve the captioned year term.
為了提升運動教練質素及資格的認受性,香港體育學院教練培訓部於2014年開辦「運動教練理論基礎證書」課程,本課程已獲香港學術及職業資歷評審局認可並屬資歷架構第二級別 (QF Level 2),學員完成課程後可獲得15個資歷學分,有助將來繼續升讀與體育或教練相關的課程。 「運動教練理論基礎證書」課程內容涵蓋關於運動教練、教練管理及運動科學的基礎理論知識,再配合實習,裝備學員掌握運動教練工作的實際需要。為期6個月的課程由十個單元及一個教練助理實習組成,其中包括課堂面授時數65學時,自修時數60學時,實習時數30學時及實習簡介2學時,總時數為157學時。 新一期課程將於2016年10月開課,逢星期二及五晚上7至10時於香港體育學院上課,誠希 貴會繼續支持及推薦有興趣及符合入學資格的會員參與 ,課程截止報名日期為2016年9月21日(星期三)。詳情可瀏覽香港教練培訓委員會網頁 http://www.hkcoaching.com。 如對上述課程有任何查詢,請致電2681 6129與梁小姐聯絡。
World Bowls news on HK World Championships selection
Notice-Election of Officers (Issued on 28/07/16)
NOTICE 2016/2017 ELECTION OF OFFICERS Applications are invited from affiliated club members who are interested in standing for election to the positions on the HKLBA Executive Committee. The positions are open to both genders and each detailed application must be submitted with a nomination from his/her Club Convenor. The positions are: 1. President...