Golden Stag Mixed Triples 2014 is open for entry which is organised by ILBC and subvented by the Southern District Council. Entry Form Condition of Play
Obituary Notice of Mr. Keith J. Bosley passed away on 13.08.2014 (Issued on 15/08/14)
Mr. Keith J. Bosley passed away on 13.08.2014 in Australia. Mr. Keith J. Bosley was the past Vice President of HKLBA in the year of 1980, 1981, 1987, 1988 and 1989. Obituary Notice from KBGC
HKCC Junior Development Bowls Programme (Issued on 11/07/14)
The HKCC will be officially starting a junior development bowls programme starting in September 2014. The aim will be to involve local schools in our catchment area alongside operating with the already established junior cricket Gappers programme to primarily teach youngsters hand eye coordination whilst experiencing different sporting disciplines.
News Report on the feasibility of 6 rinks at WU Shan (Issued on 28/05/14)
This is a news report about the feasibility of 6 rinks arrangement at Wu Shan Bowling Green:
China Open 2014 (Update on 31/3/2014)
CMBA organized the 5th China Open Lawn Bowls Championship 2014 from 17-23 March 2014 in Xinxiang, Henan. Overall results Men Women Champion Canada Zambia 1st Runners-up Singapore China 2nd Runners-up Netherlands LBTC Hong Kong Zhonggang Conditions of Play Itinerary Event Schedules Draw and grouping Fixture Practice schedule Men Ladies – Qualifying rounds Scores –...