The Filipino Club is seeking for 3 sets of second-hand bowls for training purpose, details as follow :
Golden Stag Mixed Triples Competition (Issued on 19/09/12)
Golden Stag Mixed Triples Competition is opened for entry. It is organised by ILBC and subvented by Southern Distrist. Entry Form Rules (Doc. format) (Pdf. format)
Notice – Filipino Club Car Parking Facilities (Issued on 7/05/12)
Due to limited car parking facilities at our Club, we are not in a position to accommodate non-member players for league games and all other national competitions held at our Club.
Obituary – Mr. Chu Kwok Hung of FC (Issued on 31/05/12)
It is with deepest sorrow to inform you that Mr. Chu Kwok Hung passed away on May 13, 2012 (Sunday).
Notice – Filipino Club Car Parking Facilities (Issued on 7/05/12)
Due to limited car parking facilities at our Club, we are not in a position to accommodate non-member players for league games and all other national competitions held at our Club.