Craigengower Cricket Club will celebrate its 130th Anniversary in 2024. To mark this special occasion, we will hold a lawn bowls tournament with teams from clubs in the Lawn Bowls Association of Hong Kong China league matches. CCC invite your club to send a mixed team of four for the tournament to be held on...
Hong Kong Football Club International Bowls Open 2024
To host an International event in promoting the sports of lawn bowls in Hong Kong; and to foster the relationship with the member clubs of Lawn Bowls Association of Hong Kong, and friendly clubs throughout China, Asia etc. Local Invitation Condition of Play (Unisex Triples) Condition of Play (Unisex Fours) Unisex Triples Groupings Unisex...
Golden Stag Mixed Triples 2023 (Updated on 15/6/23)
The Golden Stag Mixed Triples Competition, a biennial event of the Island Lawn Bowls Club (ILBC). It is open for entry. Entry Form Condition of play
Mike Worth Memorial Cup (Updated on 9/3/2023)
In recognition of the signification contributions made by Mr. Mike Worth to the Hong Football Club, its Lawn Bowls Section and to the lawn bowls community throughout Hong Kong and China, the Lawn Bowls Section of HKFC is going to hold a remembrance bowling event on the 4th and 5th March 2023. We will invite...
CLP’ Precautionary Measures against Covid-19 (Updated on 13/2/23)
CLP Precautionary Measures against Covid-19 1. Not allow to enter if Covid-19 RAT with Positive result or having any respiratory infection symptoms. 2. All players have to wear masks all the time 3. Spectators are not allowed