No Smoking Announcement from KBGC (28/1/2011)

Please note that from the 1st February, 2011 the entire premises of the Kowloon Bowling Green Club will be designated as a NO SMOKING AREA except one area in the corner of the Car Park where table and chairs have been placed and the other area is immediately in front of the clubhouse at Green...

CdeR new convenor (21/12/2010)

Please be informed, with immediate effect, the Lawn Bowls Convenor for Club de Recreio is Mr. Tony Abraham. His contact details follow:Mr. Tony Abraham     email address      Mr. Vasco J. DA COSTAOn behalf of Mr. David Mak,Hon. Secretary – Club de Recreio

FC 60th anniversary (25/11/2010)

Filipino Club 60th Anniversary Invitational Tournament Dear convenors of CCC, CdeR, HKCC, HKFC, HKLBA, HKPBC, HKYDT, IRC, KBGC, KCC & USRC We thank you very much for accepting our invitation to participate at our60th Anniversary Invitational Tournament. Enclosed please find our Fixtures and Conditions & Rules for your reference. Please note that all players should...

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