UBC Hong Kong Qualifying Event 香港區資格賽

UBC Hong Kong Qualifying Event 香港區資格賽

Ultimate Bowls Championship – HK Qualifier is a fresh format of bowling competition to HK bowlers.  It encourages fun, fast, fresh which would create positive develop to lawn bowls in HK to make this sports more attractive. UBC Hong Kong Qualifying Event香港區資格賽 機會來臨 – 衝出香港 – 決戰球星 香港區資格賽為3 Woods Pairs,每隊由2人組成。 勝出的隊伍將會伙拍一位球星參與UBC賽事!! 報名詳情請參閱海報,或上Ultimate Bowls – Hong...

The CCC Open 2019 (Issued on 30/11/18)

The CCC Open 2019 (Issued on 30/11/18)

【The CCC Open 2019】Not happy with the format of the CCC Masters? Singles not your cup of tea? Put off by the “Master” tag? Maybe you can consider the CCC Open – a team event which all 24 spots are from open entry. Played over the four weeknights on 18-21 March 2019, this tournament is...

The CCC Masters 2019 Qualifiers (Issued 12/10/18)

The CCC Masters 2019 Qualifiers (Issued 12/10/18)

  The CCC Masters is a premier singles event with a HK$50,000 prize pool during 22-24 March 2019. There is a field of 16 bowlers where 14 will be decided by invitation while 2 spots will be decided by open qualifying. For more details of the main event, please visit the Facebook page “the CCC...

Golden Stag Mixed Triples 2018 (Updated on 17/9/18)

Golden Stag Mixed Triples 2018 (Updated on 17/9/18)

  This is the sixth time we organize the Golden Stag Mixed Triples Competition, a biennial event of the Island Lawn Bowls Club (ILBC).   To follow through and carry on the passions of the Hong Kong Classic, we have purposely arranged the tournament to be held on 24 (Saturday), 25 (Sunday) November and 1...

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