USRC Lawn Bowls Section Charity Sale  (Updated on 4/11/16)

USRC Lawn Bowls Section Charity Sale (Updated on 4/11/16)

            On behalf of USRC Lawn Bowls Section, we would like to thank everyone who attended our annual charity event on Oct 30. This year’s event was held in the warm atmosphere with a program featuring charity sale and dinner; lawn bowls challenges and charity invitation game with HKYDT, HKCC,...

Zhuhai ” Hengqin Cup “Invitational 2016

Zhuhai ” Hengqin Cup “Invitational 2016

In July this year, the ” Mu Xiang Holiday Inn ”  in Zhuhai Hengqin has constructed China’s first International Standard Indoor Lawn Bowls Green . Features of the new ground includes Imported British artificial turf material selected for the carpet floor , adequate air conditioning , lighting , as well as Lawn bowls and shoes...

OBITUARY – A. A. da Luz

OBITUARY – A. A. da Luz

It is with deep sadness that we announce the passing of A. A. da Luz yesterday. “Arnie” was a long time bowler of Club de Recreio and in recent years, he bowled for the HKFC. In view of his contribution to Lawn Bowls in HK, we (CdeR and HKFC) would appreciate if a minute’s silence...



我們自參與由總會舉辦的聯賽不經不覺渡過了四年,在這四年期間深深體會到包括總會及屬會管理之辛勞,並有無奈艱澀之感。 眾所週知,雖然總會及康文處不斷舉辦草地滾球訓練班,但學成後真正持續投入草地滾球運動,及參與聯賽的球員與受訓數量不成正比,尤以女球員為甚;所以每屆聯賽組班時期,女球員非常吃香。 雖然如此,我會自創會以來、以發揚推廣草地滾球運動為目標,創會初期,包括本人在內我們只有三名原本已經董得草地滾球技巧的球員,最多的時期(例如冬季聯賽)也不超過五人(包括男女子隊),其餘球員我們自行招攬、自行培訓,自創會至今先後培訓超過180名球壇新血,現在尚留成在本會的球員103人,參與現季聯賽包括本人只有兩名球員是原本已在球圈內。那些離開本會的球員是分別原因於意見不合、主場地點不便或跳糟到友會,不管任何原因的離去,我們都抱著開放的態度,尤以轉到強隊、大會的前會員,我們深感於有榮焉! 但深感不快的是,近年有教練藉著訓練班之便,在課程中不斷遊說,纏繞友會參與訓練班的會員,為自己的球會招攬球員,而不去招攬新人加入球會!這些“即食” 風氣實在不利於本港草地滾球的發展,尤其是所招攬的目標是相同主場的友會球員。我們不知總會有沒有規範去限制教練在主持訓練班時的行為、或者可以說是我們無能去挽留球員,但最少這種狀況不應成為君子運動前提下所蔓延的風氣。 華夏體育會有限公司慨歎

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