The Annual Prizes Presentation Ceremony 2021 is scheduled for 28 August, 2022, Sunday. The details are as follows: Date: 28 August, 2022 (Sunday) Time: 2:00 p.m. Venue: Jockey Club Lecture Theatre, 2/F., Olympic House, 1 Stadium Path, So Kon Po, Causeway Bay. Remarks: Please advise the winners of your club to arrive 15 minutes before...
就懷疑有球員不當地使用政府場地用球之澄清(Issued On 06/7/23)
各位球友, 就發現有市民私自使用或懷疑有人偷去康文署之球作為私下自用一事再次作出澄清: 於2019年, 由於製作之錯誤, 誤將24套全新之Drakes Pride 黑色滾球刻上了LCSD 之字在球面, 為免浪費及惠及一些新球員, 本人以低於成本價出售了該批滾球予不同球友, 當時亦為免別人誤會, 有提供了特別貼紙作遮蓋, 但近日聽到有些熱心市民向不同場地投訴或查詢, 並直指政府浪費公帑, trade in 賤買政府物資, 更甚者有人質疑是否有人偷取場地用球, 本人在此再次聲明, 此批滾球絕非來自政府場地, 而政府場地亦似乎沒有有被盜取滾球之記錄, 相信提出質詢的人亦只是本著監察政府部門出發, 並非想作出無中生有或針對個人攻擊, 希望當時買了這批滾球之人士會向其他人多作解釋, 以釋除公眾疑慮. 如仍有使用此批球之球員, 如需要新貼紙, 可向本人聯絡再取一些 請各球友廣傳. PHILIP CHAN SW88HK
COVID-19 Positive Case / 2019 冠狀病毒病感染事件(Issued on 2/7/22)
The Hong Kong Lawn Bowls Association received a report that a player at the Reunification Cup game at Club de Recreio yesterday, July 1, was tested positive on COVID-19. Her teammates conducted test and are all negative. It is advised that all player at that venue should conduct a rapid test and closely monitor their...