Please aware the updated SBI club rules are as follow. 1) External food and drinks are not allowed in Simply Bowls premises and will be charged HK$100 per item. 2) CCTV devices have been installed for Rink 1 & 6 of the SBI green, for the purpose of quick replay in case of dispute on...
Clarification on SBI house rules (Issued on 30/4/21)
We have received several enquiries from fellow member clubs and would like to make the following updates:
查詢有關部份私人會所強制要求所有進入會所人士必須使用「安心出行」應用程式登記的問題(Issued On 20/4/23)
關於HKFC 只可用安心出行apps嘅問題,有以下疑問,想向總會查詢。 政府康文署轄下運動場所,都容許選擇安心出行apps 或填寫資料,私人球會中只有HKFC不提供填寫資料的選擇,請問如作客HKFC的球員,電話安裝不到或基於私隱不安裝安心出行apps,比賽將如何安排?