Funeral of Ms. Angela CHAU (Issued on 5/11/2020)
One of our long-standing bowlers, Ms. Angela Chau passed away peacefully on 31st October, 2020. The funeral service will be held at Wan Wai Hall, 1/F., Global Funeral Parlour, Hung Hom from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. on Friday, 27th November, 2020 and at 10:00 a.m. Saturday, 28th November 2020. Angela was a long-standing bowler...
Obituary Notice from Club de Recreio (Issued on 4/11/2020)
Club de Recreio is profoundly sad at the passing of Angela Chau. Angela started her bowling career at our club some 30 plus years ago and had distinguished herself in the sport, having achieved numerous national titles as a member of the club. The only woman to win 5 National knock-out singles titles. Despite her...
Obituary Notice from USRC (Issued on 3/11/2020)
It is with immense sadness that we would inform you of the sudden loss of our beloved member, Angela Chau who passed away on 31 October 2020. Our thoughts and prayers are with Mr Luk and Angela’s family during this difficult time. An ex-Hong Kong International with over 30 years of bowling experience, Angela was...
Recruitment of Administrative Assistant (Part Time) (Updated on 2/11/20)
The Hong Kong Lawn Bowls Association is looking for an energetic candidate to help us to organise, manage and promote the sports in Hong Kong. (Recruitment information)