2021-2022 Hong Kong, China Squad Recruitment

2021-2022 Hong Kong, China Squad Recruitment

The Hong Kong, China Squad is now openly recruiting. Bowlers with the desire and determination to succeed at the highest level should consider to apply. Interested bowlers please read and understand the implications of the information provided before applying via their affiliated club with the form provided.

[Team Result-8/12]Celebration of the 20th Anniversary of the Establishment of the Macao SAR – Reunification Cup (Issued On 09/12/19)

[Team Result-8/12]Celebration of the 20th Anniversary of the Establishment of the Macao SAR – Reunification Cup (Issued On 09/12/19)


[Team Arrived] Celebration of the 20th Anniversary of the Establishment of the Macao SAR  – Reunification Cup

[Team Arrived] Celebration of the 20th Anniversary of the Establishment of the Macao SAR – Reunification Cup


[Result Update:6/12 ] World U25 Championships 2019

[Result Update:6/12 ] World U25 Championships 2019

賽果速遞(6/12):昨天(5/12)Gloria於八強賽直落兩盤5:12, 3:8敗給威爾斯Lauren Gowen,無緣晉身準決賽。昨天較早時候Jason勝出他最後一場分組賽,獲四戰三勝佳績,但該組包括Jason有三位選手同分及對賽成績均等,需以得失球差排名,Jason因而排名第三與八強資格擦身而過。