In an effort to further strengthen our coaching resources, we are now inviting interested bowlers to apply for the position of lawn bowls coach. The basic requirements for the applicants are: At least five years of bowling experience, and should have played at least 50% of the games in the HKLBA premier league...
The Technical Team is responsible for the technical aspects of the sport to ensure a safe and fair game for all players. Its specialized areas include, but not limited to:
To promulgate and secure uniformity in the laws and standards for the management and control of lawn bowls, competitions and related activities including but not limited to the Laws of the Sport of Bowls.
To formulate short-term and long-term strategies for the development of coach education and accreditation programmes.
Venue and equipment
To ensure all greens in Hong Kong meet the standards required and provide a fair playing ground for all players.
Use of Walkie-talkie (Issued on 19/09/12)
In the recent council meeting the issue of using walkie-talkies during games was raised. While the use of walkie-talkies or mobile phones is not an offense under the Law, we believe that a guideline is required to clarify the issue.
Existing Coach Registration 2014 – 2016 (Issued on 7/1/15)
2012-2014年度香港草地滾球總會註冊教練之有效期將於本年3月31日屆滿,現附上2014-2016年度的註冊表格乙份,閣下如有意繼續登記成為本會註冊教練,請於2014年3月31日前填妥附頁之註冊表格,連同兩年註冊費港幣$600的支票親遞或寄回本會辦理 (支票抬頭「香港草地滾球總會」 或 HONG KONG LAWN BOWLS ASSOCIATION)。 請注意,本會只接受擁有香港教練培訓委員會發出的有效「認可教練」資格人士,登記成為本會教練。另外,閣下亦須提供有效的<性罪行定罪紀錄查核>方能辦理註冊手續。 成功登記的註冊教練將獲本會委派教練工作及參加本會舉辦的教練培訓延續課程,此外,每位註冊教練可獲免費派發夏季及冬季教練制服各一件,以便執教訓練班時穿著。 閣下亦可額外自費訂購,夏季制服每件$80,冬季制服每件$90,領取制服的詳情稍後再另行通知。 請盡快辦理註冊手續。如有任何查詢,請致電2504 8251與程小姐聯絡。 註冊表格 (Doc. 格式)
Legal Responsibilities of Lawn Bowls Coaches – (issued on 8/2/12)
HKLBA organises a talk – Legal Responsibilities of Lawn Bowls Coaches which is open for entry. Information (Pdf. version)
Legal Responsibilities of Lawn Bowls Coaches – (issued on 8/2/12)
HKLBA organises a talk – Legal Responsibilities of Lawn Bowls Coaches which is open for entry. Information (Pdf. version)