2023 Umpire Training Course is open for entry. Course Information (Chinese version) (English version) Application Form (Doc. format)
The Technical Team is responsible for the technical aspects of the sport to ensure a safe and fair game for all players. Its specialized areas include, but not limited to:
To promulgate and secure uniformity in the laws and standards for the management and control of lawn bowls, competitions and related activities including but not limited to the Laws of the Sport of Bowls.
To formulate short-term and long-term strategies for the development of coach education and accreditation programmes.
Venue and equipment
To ensure all greens in Hong Kong meet the standards required and provide a fair playing ground for all players.
Memo – Wearing Mask (Issued on 18/5/22)
Following the further relaxation of the anti-pandemic policies by the Hong Kong Government, all Hong Kong Lawn Bowls Association activities will follow the new arrangement announced by the Government: From May 19, 2022, the following arrangement on the wearing of mask at HKLBA activities will be revised:
Memo – HKLBA strongly recommend players to wear mask (Issued on 6/7/22)
In view of the rising trend of COVID-19 infections in Hong Kong in the last few weeks, the Hong Kong Lawn Bowls Association strongly recommends all players to wear protective facemask when participating in our activities. While it is not a compulsory requirement, according to the Government’s regulations, we believe it is of the best...
Memo – Team Uniform – HKFC (Updated on 11/11/21)
The Association has approved the application from Hong Kong Football Club for the use the following uniform at HKLBA competitions and events. By wearing this they needed to follow Byelaws 1.15, which stated that all members of the same team must wear matching uniform during a match. Such matching uniform includes the top and...
Memo – Wearing of proper footwear (Updated on 27/7/21)
In the recent Council Meeting we have received enquiries about footwear for our sport. As improper footwear may cause injury to players or damaging the greens, we would like to remind that only proper footwear is allowed on greens. Proper footwear includes shoes specifically designed for lawn bowls or approved by the Association for...