HKACEP 「星星伴轉型」學長計劃 “Stars to Shine” Mentorship Programme

The “Stars to Shine” Mentorship Programme, a career guidance programme launched by Hong Kong Athletes Career & Education Programme (HKACEP), aims at providing newly retired HK athletes (mentees) with an additional avenue of learning through experience sharing and interaction with seasoned retired famous HK athletes who have successfully developed their second career and gained a wealth of working experience (mentors).

The first phase of the “Stars to Shine” Mentorship Programme has invited 8 famous retired athletes from different industries to join the programme as Mentors. They  will share their experience and provide guidance to “Mentees” and help them smoothen their career transformation and successfully develop their second career.

The 8 “Star Mentors” are:

Ms. Amy CHAN (Education & Charity)

Mr. CHENG Ka Ho (Property Development Executive) Mr. CHUI Kam Tong, Tony (TV Sports Commentator) Dr. LEE Yat Keung, Adam (Financial Services)

Ms. Vivian LEE (Public Relations & Events Promotion) Ms. Malina NGAI (Retail Operation & Management) Mr. WONG Kam Po (Sports Administration)

Mr. YU Sum Yee (Disciplinary Force)

Programme Details:

The kick-off event of the 1st “Stars to Shine” Mentorship Programme will be held on 24 May 2018 (tentatively). The event will offer an opportunity for the mentors and mentees to exchange contacts and kick off an approximately 2 years’ programme.

Upon mutual agreement, mentees can initiate interactions with mentors on a face-to- face basis or by phone for at least two times during the programme period. Mentees are required to submit the interaction records to HKACEP for reference. It is also encouraged that the mentees to write a short paragraph to summarize what  he/she has learnt.

HKACEP will organise site visit activities as well as sharing forum for mentors and mentees per year.

Mentors will act as a friend, a motivator, a supporter, an advisor and/or a role model. They will share working experiences and views as well as to give feedback and guidance regarding career planning.

Mentees are expected to record the interactions with the mentors and prepare a short paragraph and at least 3 photos summarizing the learning experience.  The article  will be published in the HKACEP newsletter. Also, mentees will assist the filming of a short video thanking their mentors, the video will be used in the graduation event to be held at the end of the programme.

The 1st phase of “Stars to Shine” Mentorship Programme will run from May 2018 until April 2020 (approximately 2 years).

Mentee Application Procedures:

Members of HKACEP who are newly retired from their athletic career are eligible to apply to the “Stars to Shine” Mentorship Programme as mentee. The 1st phase of the programme will have a quota of 16 mentees (to be accepted on a first-come-first-serve basis).

Eligible HKACEP members can submit their application form to HKACEP office on or before 3 April 2018. HKACEP Office will match the applicant’s needs and preferred field of career with mentor’s strengths. One mentor may take up a maximum of 2 mentees.

Successful mentees will be informed of the matching results via email by end of April 2018. They will also be invited to attend the “Stars to Shine” Mentorship Programme Kick Off Ceremony on 24 May 2018 (tentatively).

For application and enquiry:

Hong Kong Athletes Career & Education Programme Tel: 2504 8188


Remarks: All the applications will be subject to HKLBA approval

“Stars to Shine” Mentorship Programme (Chinese version)

“Stars to Shine” Mentorship Programme (English version)

Application Form