Memo – Auxiliary Bowling Equipment (Issued on 25/3/19)

Recently we have received a number of enquiries regarding the use of auxiliary equipment during lawn bowls competitions. While we maintain our policy of allowing access to our sport to as many participants as possible, we must also ensure that other bowlers are not affected and must not damage the playing surface during play.

After consulting World Bowls and reference to other national authorities, we would like to introduce the following rules on the use of some of such equipment so that persons with a medical condition that would otherwise prevent them from playing the game the opportunity to play or continue playing bowls:



The large tires (usually the rear one) must have a minimum width of 45mm while the small (front) wheel should have a minimum width of 50mm. Tires should be made of soft rubber, smooth and will not cause damage to the green.


Electrical wheelchairs should not be used because of its heavy weight.


Bowling Arms


The use of bowling arms is only allowed for bowler who cannot continue to bowl without the aid of such artificial device. A bowler must gain approval to use bowling arm before using it in HKLBA competitions. To apply for the approval, the bowler need to produce a medical certificate stating that he/she requires the bowling arm to continue to participate in lawn bowls.


There are currently three types of bowling arms approved for use in other countries and are also acceptable for Hong Kong, including ‘The Bowling Arm’, the ‘Bionic Bowler Arm’ and the ‘DHB arm’. Each device is manufactured in several lengths and some include varying release mechanisms.


Laser Pointer


The use of laser pointer during HKLBA competitions is only allowed for partially sighted or blind bowlers. The bowler involved need to provide proof for such disability when necessary.


Using laser pointer in training by qualified coaches is allowed but the user must pay attention to the safety of the people around.


These rules will be incorporated in future edition of the Bye-laws. I hope this will pave the way for those who currently have problems joining our sport.
