Memo – Abusive Language (Issued on 10/9/19)

While a recent disciplinary case about the use of abusive language and playing on a vacated rink when the other games is still playing has been concluded, we would like to remind all bowlers to observe the following regulations:


1. The use of abusive language is not acceptable at any time, no matter under what situation. The HKLBA has standing rules to handle misconduct or non-sportsmanship behavior so it is no point to argue on the spot, especially using language that was deemed inappropriate in our daily live.

2. During a side game (such as the league games) that involves more than one team in the same side, no players should practice on the vacated rink(s) even if their game has been finished, as this may affect the game that is still going on.


Please following these rules to help maintain our image as a “Gentlemen’s Game” and avoid further controversy.


On behalf of

The Hong Kong Lawn Bowls Association


Claudius Lam

Vice President – Technical
