Mixed Pairs Classic – Players for Bid (updated on 16/09/11)

Mixed Pairs Classic – Players for Bid (updated on 16/09/11)
Golden Jubliee Classic

As mentioned in our Council Meeting, overseas players from the World Champion of Champions staying behind are invited to participate in the HKLBA Golden Jubilee Mixed Pairs Classic.  Those countries with two players staying behind will form a team and those countries with only one player staying behind will be circulated for bid by our local players who are interested to pair up with them to play in the Classic.


Players For Bid :

Men    : Grant Seeary (Australia), Ray Mascarenas (Botswana) & Michel Larue (Canada).

Women : Nanami Yoshimoto (Japan), Val Sherry (Spain) &

Margaret Fettes (World Bowls Vice President).

Bidding Procedures :

Interested local players are invited to send in their bids to HKLBA in a sealed envelope, every interested local players can only put in one bid.  The bid shall contain the name of the player they bid for and the amount of their bid.  The bidder with the highest amount will play in the Classic with the player they bid for and the bidding amount will be treated as a sponsorship towards the Classic.  The sealed envelope will be opened in the next HKLBA Council Meeting and the deadline of the bid is 3 August 2011.  Please put “Classic 2011 Bid for Player” on envelope.

 Sponsored Teams :

As there are still some vacancies in the Classic, sponsored teams are also invited.  Those who are interested can contact Vincent Cheung direct for details. 

Vincent Cheung



Bidding Result

Australia Team – Grant Seeary & Angel So

Bostwana Team – Ray Mascrenas & Andrea Chan

Canada Team – Michael Larue & Queenie Lai

Japan Team – James Po & Nanami Yoshimoto

CELBC Team – Herbert Tse & Valerie Sherry

HKLBA Team – Vincent Cheung & Margaret Fettes