Notice – 2022-2023 Election of Officers (D/L: 7 September, 2022)

Notice – 2022-2023 Election of Officers (D/L: 7 September, 2022)



Notice of application is hereby given to all affiliated club members, who are interested in standing for election of the positions in the HKLBA Executive Committee in the Annual General Meeting to be held on 10 October, 2022. The positions are open to all genders and each application must be submitted with a nomination from his/her Club Convenor. The positions for election are:

1. President

2. Vice President – Development

3. Vice President – League

4. Vice President – National Championships

5. Vice President – Technical

6. Vice President – International

7. Hon. Secretary

8. Assistant Hon. Secretary

9. Hon. Treasurer

Voting rights will be in accordance with the HKLBA Articles of Association.

Applications must be submitted to the Honorary Secretary on or before Wednesday 7 September, 2022.

David Tse

Hon. Secretary