Premier League 2020 postponement (Issued on 6/5/20)

Further to my email of 17 Apr that the opening of league game will highly depend on when LCSD re-opens and accepts block booking for league games.

As of today, LCSD has no indication when it will accept the block booking for league games.

The premier league will continue to postpone until further notice.

Once we have a confirmed start date of league game, we will issue a new schedule and ask all clubs to confirm their entries again.

After that we will work out a new fixture.


We will keep you informed immediately if we have agreed a start date with LCSD.


Email from 17 April, 2020

Due to the Covid-19 and closure of public greens, Premier League will be postponed until further notice.

The provisional fixture v1 is no longer valid.


The opening of league game will highly depend on when LCSD re-opens and accepts block booking for league games.

League panel will recommend a new schedule and issue a new fixture afterwards.

Please stay tuned.