National Squad Selection Process (Updated on 27/8/18)

National Squad Selection Process (Updated on 27/8/18)

Application deadline : 14th September 2018

To: All Convenors and Officers of the HKLBA

From: Glyn Davies (Vice President – International)

Dear all,

With reference to my missive to you last Friday on the above subject, I would like to clarify that the modified method for selecting the National Squad by this application process will ONLY happen in this cycle and  will NOT be repeated next year. Any additions to the squad during the next 2 years would be in exceptional circumstances and at the discretion of the Selection Panel.

Should you have any queries or require any further clarification, please feel free to contact me through the HKLBA office.


Kind Regards,

Glyn Davies

Vice President – International



To:    All Convenors and Officers of HKLBA

From:  Glyn Davies (Vice President – International)

Please find attached the explanatory letter and application form for this year’s selection process for the Hong Kong China Squad and Under 25 Squad.

The proposal to undertake this modified selection process was approved by the Council of Management (CoM) and is a bold initiative to identify our best bowlers and give them the best platform to succeed.

For this to work, I need you all to give this letter the widest circulation to all your bowlers and encourage those with the requisite skill sets to apply for consideration.


Best Regards,

Glyn Davies

Vice President – International




Deadline for Applications: 14th September 2018

Revision of the National Selection Procedure

Application Form

Top 24 Bowlers Ranking (Reference only)

U25 Top 15 Bowlers Ranking (Reference only)