Rundown & Seating Plan of Annual Presentation Dinner (Updated on 25/05/12)

Rundown & Seating Plan of Annual Presentation Dinner (Updated on 25/05/12)
Golden Jubliee Classic

Enclosed please find the rundown of the Annual Dinner for your circulation to your members who will be attending the dinner this Sunday 27 May at HKFC.

May I have your attention to the following arrangements please :

  1. The presentation ceremony will commence at 6:30pm sharp.
  2. Prize winners are recommended to wear their Club team shirts to the dinner. This will look better on the photos for all of our future references.
  3. Club Conveners attending the dinner will be invited to present trophies to prize winners.
  4. Winners are recommended to bring their own bags for their trophies and lucky draw gift.
  5. It is the responsibility of the Winning Clubs to take ALL their Club members’ trophies. HKLBA will not keep the trophies for those winners who did not attend the annual dinner.
  6. Only the official photographer (Mrs. Stephanie WORTH) will be permitted to take photos of the prize winners on the stage.  Winners can proceed to the designated photo-taking area in the banquet hall immediately after each presentation for their personal photo-taking.
  7. Lucky Draw

    • Club representatives can collect their Lucky Draw Tickets at the HKLBA Reception Counter between 6 pm and 6:30pm on the day.
    • ALL lucky draw winners must collect their prize PERSONALLY and IMMEDIATELY as it will otherwise be re-drawn immediately.
  8. Changes of Club entry no. will not be considered. Members who are NO SHOW will be charged for the actual meal cost of $315 per person.
  9. Please note HKFC’s Byelaw that use of portable mobile telephone on the Club Premises is strictly prohibited.  No smoking will be permitted in any internal areas of the Club.  Any penalties will be borne by the individual.

Should you have any enquiries, please feel free to contact Ms. Leona Ng at 2504 8250.

Best regards,

Vincent Cheung


Rundown version 2 – Updated on 24 May, 2012 (Word format) (Pdf format)

Seating Plan – Updated on 25 May, 2012 (Excel format) (Pdf format)