2019 Japan International Open Tournament -Team Arrived

2019 Japan International Open Tournament -Team Arrived

香港隊三人組合Jordi Lo (CCC),Cherry Tsoi (HKYDT)及Lee Ka Ho (CCC)現正在日本兵庫縣明石市參加日本國際公開賽。賽事原定為期三日,但受颱風海貝思影響,星期六(12/10)的練習時間及首兩圈賽程被逼取消,並移師到室內進行開幕儀式及卡拉OK環節。大會預計明天(13/10)可以開始賽事,期望港隊事事順心。

League panel recommendations (Issued on 9/10/19)

In view of the public events and traffic conditions, the League Panel has the following recommendations; 1. To waive the penalty on those “failure to arrive” cases which happened between 1-7 October. However, the defaulting side has to compensate the green fee to the home side. 2. Since we are close to end of season...