The Triples League 2019 is now open for entry. Entry deadline is 21-Oct-2019 (Monday).
香港代表隊一行五人,包括球員 Helen Cheung (CCC), Shirley Ko (ILBC), Li Ming Sum (FC), Paul Lee (TMSA) 及領隊 Danny Ho,現正在珠海參加由中國擲球協會及珠海市體育總會主辦、一年一度舉行的全國草地擲球錦標賽。比賽項目分別有男雙、女雙及男女混合四人賽事。由於現屆男子候選隊球員未能參與賽事,總會邀請了兩位上屆男子隊球員出賽。代表隊於星期日(15/9)晚上經陸路抵達珠海,隨即於星期一(16/9)早上展開首輪賽事,並會於星期五(20/9)晚上於賽事結束後回程返港。 最新戰報:男雙及女雙賽事於今日(18/9)結束,香港男、女子代表均奪得銅牌。 最新戰報(2):港隊今日(20/9)於混合四人賽奪冠。
UBC Hong Kong Qualifying Event 香港區資格賽
Ultimate Bowls Championship – HK Qualifier is a fresh format of bowling competition to HK bowlers. It encourages fun, fast, fresh which would create positive develop to lawn bowls in HK to make this sports more attractive. UBC Hong Kong Qualifying Event香港區資格賽 機會來臨 – 衝出香港 – 決戰球星 香港區資格賽為3 Woods Pairs,每隊由2人組成。 勝出的隊伍將會伙拍一位球星參與UBC賽事!! 報名詳情請參閱海報,或上Ultimate Bowls – Hong...
Photo Link – Hong Kong Lawn Bowls Association Classic Single Qualifying Rounds at HKFC Sunday 4th August 2019.
The link below is the photo link of Hong Kong Lawn Bowls Association Classic Single Qualifying Rounds at HKFC Sunday 4th August 2019. Photo link
Memo – Abusive Language (Issued on 10/9/19)
While a recent disciplinary case about the use of abusive language and playing on a vacated rink when the other games is still playing has been concluded, we would like to remind all bowlers to observe the following regulations: