The Bowls Grand Prix 2018
Top ranked premier league teams and HKLBA teams will converge for 4 consecutive days of play in the Easter holidays to compete for the overall grand prize. The Bowls Grand Prix 2018 will be held from 30th March to 2nd April at HKFC, KCC and CCC. The Bowls Grand Prix 2018 will be held on...
Photo Link Tiger Bowls 2018
Tiger Bowls World Invitation 2018 Hong Kong Tour was held between 10-11 March 2018. Photo Link (Day 1 Morning) (Day 1 Afternoon) (Day 2 Morning) (Day 2 Afternoon) (Prize Presentation Dinner)
HKACEP 「星星伴轉型」學長計劃 “Stars to Shine” Mentorship Programme
The “Stars to Shine” Mentorship Programme, a career guidance programme launched by Hong Kong Athletes Career & Education Programme (HKACEP), aims at providing newly retired HK athletes (mentees) with an additional avenue of learning through experience sharing and interaction with seasoned retired famous HK athletes who have successfully developed their second career and gained a...