Invitation for Hong Kong International Bowls Classic 2017 Sponsorship
The Hong Kong Lawn Bowls Association annually organizes the Hong Kong International Bowls Classic which attracts participation of the World’s leading lawn bowls Champions. The event will be held from 11 November to 19 November 2017.
Notice-Election of Officers
NOTICE 2017/2018 ELECTION OF OFFICERS Applications are invited from affiliated club members who are interested in standing for election to the positions on the HKLBA Executive Committee. The positions are open to both genders and each detailed application must be submitted with a nomination from his/her Club Convenor. The positions are: 1. President...
Notice-Election of Officers (Issued on 2/8/19)
NOTICE 2019/2020 ELECTION OF OFFICERS Applications are invited from affiliated club members who are interested in standing for election to the positions on the HKLBA Executive Committee. The positions are open to both genders and each detailed application must be submitted with a nomination from his/her Club Convenor. The positions are: 1. President...
Photo Link – National Indoor Singles 2017 Finals
The link below is the photo link of National Indoor Singles 2017 Finals 15th July. Photo link