佳木體育 Shortwoods88 offers(Issued On 22/5/21)

佳木體育 Shortwoods88 provide the following offers to all club.   現提供球會購物優惠:   Product List 陳小姐 96228399 (體育用品部)  胡小姐91927487 (獎品部) fax: 26508915 請各友好客戶注意: 本公司已正式搬至屯門恆威工業中心B1座19樓03室

2023 National Championship Finals Day – Winter (Updated on 4/3/2024)

2023 National Championship Finals Day – Winter will be held on Sunday 18th February 2024 at the Craigengower Cricket Club. To give bowlers a chance to watch the finals, Final of Men’s & Women’s National Triples and Men’s National Fours will be arranged for live streaming on the day. (Schedule of Play) (Photo Link) (YouTube link) (Winner)