It is with deep sadness that we announce the passing of A. A. da Luz yesterday. “Arnie” was a long time bowler of Club de Recreio and in recent years, he bowled for the HKFC. In view of his contribution to Lawn Bowls in HK, we (CdeR and HKFC) would appreciate if a minute’s silence...
Report which player in league result capture
We received an enquiry about which player should be captured in a resume game. “If 2 ends had been played before a game was discontinued, and a substitute player has played 16 ends, which player, the original one or the substitute one, should be reported ?” Clarification from VP League 1. Capture the player who played most...
HKLBA Annual Presentation Dinner 2016
The HKLBA annual presentation dinner will be held at 7.30 p.m. on Friday 27 May 2016 at the Choi Fook Royal Banquet彩福皇宴 (Windsor House, Causeway Bay /銅鑼灣皇室堡). Photo Link