Special offer to Bowlers – Smart Foot Massage
Located in the heart of the Hong Kong island, Smart Foot Massage is a perfect palce to unwind and relax after a game of lawn bowls. Smart Foot Massage is now offering a 20% discount to bowlers who show this message when visit the shop. Can and find the shop...
Prize Arrangements of 2015 National Championships and Competitions
1.Top four finishing teams (or singles players) in the following events will receive a cash prize at the Annual Presentation Dinner: Nong’s National Singles, National Pairs, National Triples, National Fours, Indoor Singles, Knock-out Singles, 2-4-2 Pairs, Indoor Pairs, Mixed Pairs, Mixed Triples, Mixed Fours, Novice Singles and Novice Pairs. [Note that Aitkenhead Fours cash prizes...
2016 World Junior Championships
The 2016 World Junior Championships will be staged at Broadbeach Bowling & Community Club, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia Playing Dates: 9-15 April 2016: Disciplines: Men’s Singles, Women’s Singles & Mixed Pairs Hong Kong is represented by: Jason Choi, Arthur Lam, Amy Choi Vivian Yip Team Manager / Coach : Danny Ho & Rita Shek Event...
2016-02-02 02:54:52| 來源:大公網| 【大公報訊】記者吳卓峰報道:大埔區一直未有暖水游泳池設施,政府建議斥資21.631億元,于寶湖道興建一座體育館、暖水泳池、社區會堂及足球場,滿足居民需要。民政事務局指,若工程獲立法會財委會支持撥款,最快年底開展工程,預計2020年落成。