Bowls for Sales – VS 4H
Model: TAYLOR Vector VS Size: 4H Expiry Date: 2019 Price: $1,300 Contact: Andy Tang (97396961)
Sunny Chan response to the Media Report
Public letter to HKLBA Officials: Puzzled by the Media Report on the TRIPLES LEAGUE 2015 GAME# M50015, Titled “Tactical Changes Save CCC From Relegation” written by Mr. Claudius Lam. After reading the above passage through the hyperlink on HKLBA website, I could not agree with the views of the reporter. Instead I want...
Aitkenhead Fours
The Aitkenhead Fours Lawn Bowls Competition is organized by the Sports Federation & Olympic Committee of Hong Kong, China, co-organized by the Hong Kong Lawn Bowls Association and subvented by the Leisure & Cultural Services Department as a part of the Samsung 59th Festival of Sport. Date: Saturday 19th and...
訃聞 – 綠園草地滾球會 黎耀榮先生 (Mr Willie Lai)
本會創會會員及現任副會長 黎耀榮先生 於2016 年3 月13 日(早上)不幸因病離世。 黎耀榮副會長於1996 年與眾好友成立綠園草地滾球會(GLBC) – 多年來當選為本會會長/副會長/常務委員, 並擔任本會球會召集人及聯賽隊長; 盡心盡力為本會效勞,鞠躬盡粹,貢獻良多。 黎耀榮副會長球技精湛, 在滾球界往績輝煌, 廣結各方球友, 亦是備受愛戴的滾球教練, 授徒無數 – 毫無置疑是GLBC 成立以來最重要的代表人物(icon)。 願黎耀榮會友在主懷安息; 在天國裡與家人重聚。 悼念儀式安排如下: (1)安息禮拜 (基督教形式) – 香港殯儀館(一樓基恩堂) – 3 月30 日(星期三); 晚上8 時 (約一小時) (2)大殮告別儀式 – 香港殯儀館 – 3 月31 日(星期四); 早上11 時 現特借此通知各位。...